Stories from the Swarm
These stories are real, but the details are deeply redacted. The names? You’ll never know them. What we can share is how we uncovered the threats no one else could see, and why a constant, relentless attack is the best defense against today’s cyber threats.

The one where we owned a cloud platform through a free trial
Sometimes the front door is the easiest way in.

CovertSwarm and Fintech: Snoop Case Study
"The CovertSwarm team is how we stay ahead in the increasingly aggressive world of cyber security". - Jamie West

Finance: From Pen Testing to Constant Cyberattack Simulation
Proving how traditional pen testing was insufficient compared to our constant attack stimulation to find unknown vulnerabilities.

Retail: Fortifying The Cybersecurity Posture Against APT
CovertSwarm strengthens its security posture by acting as an external APT while reporting the findings to mitigate the threats.

Finance: Evolving From CBEST to Risk-Based Cybersecurity
Moving ahead CBEST compliance to a more proactive and risk-based approach to improve the overall cybersecurity posture.